Cycling season swansong

On what eventually turned into a glorious Dales day, Michael undertook his last big road ride of the season. On Saturday 28th September, Michael and a couple of his bike-buddies tackled the White Horse Sportive, setting off from Stokesley in thick fog, but returning just over 5 hours later in glorious sunshine. They managed to turn the 62 mile route into a 73 miler after a wrong turn up on the North York Moors, but with scenery that stunning, that was an added bonus.

What will he do for relaxation now? Focus on the mountain bike, that’s what, with a trip north of the border to ride some of Scotland’s 7 Stanes in the Half Term holiday with the boys. Pics to follow in due course.


White Horse Sportive

73 miles (the unorthodox route)

5 hours 8 minutes

Average speed 13.7 mph